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Annual General Meeting 2021

The meeting will be held in the clubhouse on the 14th JULY 2021 at 8.30 pm

The meeting will be conducted in line with the Club Constitution and Rules; Section 7


1. Opening of the meeting by the Chairman

2. Remembrance of deceased members

3. Chairman’s remarks & review

4. Treasurer’s report

5. Secretary’s report

6. Election of Officers for 2021

7. Any other business


1. Closing date of nominations for Officers is Wednesday 7 th July 2021.

2. Any member who wishes to be considered to join the committee should do so by applying to the email address above by Monday 5 th July 2021 along with the names and contact details of a proposer and seconder.

3. Our Treasurer, Terry Busby has indicated he will stand down; nominations for this post, in paticular, would be welcomed

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